Not sure what you mean by "saved in the entries file" - do you mean remembered between sessions? Or visible on one of the tabs on the individual entry? I guess ideally yes to both.

Certainly having it in the context menu would be good. If it were possible to have it as a checkbox on the main interface list as well would be great, simply because it then gives it visibility. Maybe a different colour would suffice for that. Thinking it through, it might be good to be able to report on the silenced condition as well (SAIF SILENT). And could it cure the common cold, and bring peace to all men?  ;-)

Ian K Gray
OEL IS - European Infrastructure Support
Tel: +44 1236 502661
Mob: +44 7881 518854

"Dirk Bulinckx" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

30/03/2006 12:50

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[SA-list] RE: [SA-list] Feature request: Silence Alerts

Would this be a setting that is saved in the entries file too?
Could this be something in the context menu (right click on entry) were you flag/unflag the option?  

Dirk Bulinckx.


Thursday, March 30, 2006 10:20 AM
Servers Alive Discussion List
[SA-list] Feature request: Silence Alerts


Here's a feature request which I think may be both popular and not too difficult to do (he said, naively!). We sometimes get problems with a system that keeps bouncing. A typical example of this is where a WAN connection gets "wobbly" (maybe a problem with a card, or power problems at the remote site, or....). This will result in alerts going out (not just for the WAN link, but also for the systems at the far end that we check), then All Clear alerts going out, then more alerts, more all clears, and so on ad nauseam.

What I *don't* want to do is to put the check in question into maintenance. That way, we never know when the problem is finally resolved. So my ideal option (unless anyone can think of something even better) is to have another column of check boxes in the interface (just like the active/maintenance ones) which will let us easily disable any alerts associated with a check. The check itself however is still active, and the latest status will show on our screens.

Thoughts, Dirk?



Ian K Gray
OEL IS - European Infrastructure Support
Tel: +44 1236 502661
Mob: +44 7881 518854

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