Title: Feature request...

I currently use a template to extract summary information from each cycle to a .asp page that I can include in my other web lookup pages.


strSAID = "<sa_said>"
strCycleStart = "<sa_cyclestart>"
strCycleTime = "<sa_cycletime>"
strSAStart = "<sa_startshortdate> <sa_startlongtime>"
strSAVersion = "<sa_version>"
strEntriesTotal = "<sa_nr_entries>"
strEntriesUnavailable = "<sa_nr_unavailable>"
strEntriesUnchecked = "<sa_nr_unchecked>"
strEntriesUp = "<sa_nr_up>"
strEntriesDown = "<sa_nr_down>"
strEntriesMaintenace = "<sa_nr_maintenance>"
This space intentionally left blank

Due to reporting requirements, I need this data from the SQL Server. I can query the interchange db for this info, but due to the large number of records, (3 millionish), it takes several seconds to run.

So, my request is for a new db output alongside of the interchange and status dbs for this 'recap' information. Since this is a recap, it would have to be smart enough to delete any previous records from a SAID, then add the current ones. That way I have a record for each of my ServersAlive servers.


Michael D. Shook
Technical Analyst
Saddle Creek Corporation
863 668 4477 (work)
863 860 4070 (cell)
863 665 1261 (fax)

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