Err..  “success” is the word of the day.... I must be feeling a 
little negative J 


From: Servers Alive Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Mark Perry
Sent: 14 August 2009 09:16
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: RE: [SA-list] Error Level check 


Doesn’t SA only deal with 0 or 1 though to denote success and failure of 
the check? 


Your script will return all kinds of values, so SA will either say the check 
failed in the case of a 0 or convert a positive number to a 1 to denote 


I could well be wrong as I haven’t used the errorlevel check for quite 
some time due to its limitations so it could all have changed. 


From: Servers Alive Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Jason Passow
Sent: 13 August 2009 21:50
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: [SA-list] Error Level check 


I have an error level check that is not working.   When I run it from the 
command line it works.  When I run it from Server's Alive it gives a 1.  

The check is a batch file that exits with a code.   When run from the command 
line I can echo back the errorlevel and it is correct.  Server's alive always 
returns 1.   Following is batch file:

@echo off 
net use k: \\kms\kerio /yes 
cd k:\store\queue\ 
FOR /f "TOKENS=*" %%F in ('dir /s /b /a-d k:\store\queue\^|find "" /c /v') DO 
exit %TOTAL%

Jason Passow
Mississippi Welders Supply
ph: (507) 494-5178
fax: (507) 454-8104

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