More options were added to the RRD part of Servers Alive.
The updating of the db's will be done in 3 command boxes (one for each logging
type), making it faster.
The generation of the graphs can be done in different cycles for
hour/day/week/month/year-graphs, again increasing the speed of SA.  The graph
script will need to be re-generated.
We do recommand to create a BAT directory for the scripts (in the past they were
stored in the db directory), and the usage of prime numbers of the cycles in
which the different graphs should be created.

Beta can be found on


-----Original Message-----
From: Servers Alive Discussion List [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 4:00 PM
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: [SA-list] RRD logging

For those of you that are using the RRD logging, we have some questions :-)

* do you use all 3 types of RRD logging?
* are you generating the GRAPHS each cycle?
* how many entries do you have and how many "top" groups? (are the entries
devided equaly amongst those groups?)
* what version of the RRD tool are you using?


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