Hi Paul, 



This is my template index html file.  If you use this template, you can see the 
Down server at top of the table as red colored row. 







                <TITLE>Server Monitor</TITLE> 

                <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="30"> 

             <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" 


 <!--This section is zebra style table format. One rown is gray next one is 
white and so on --> 

               <style type="text/css"> 

                tr:nth-of-type(odd) { background-color:#F2F2F2;} 



               <script type="text/javascript"> 



<!--This section is count down. Refresh html page every 30 second--> 

                function countdown(par){ 

                ctn = parseFloat(par); 




                function display_countdown() { 

                var x = ctn ; 

                document.getElementById('ct').innerHTML = x; 

                ctn= ctn- 1; 









                <BODY onload=countdown(30);> 



                                <sa_report sort=status,onstatustime> 



                                                <b><FONT FACE="verdana" 
size="4" color="#000000"> 

                                                <TABLE WIDTH="100%" BORDER=0> 



WIDTH="25%">Your Header </TH> 



                var dt = new Date(); 

                var dtd = dt.getDate(); 

                dtd = (dtd < 10)? "0" &#43; dtd : dtd; 

                var dtm = dt.getMonth()&#43;1; 

                dtm = (dtm < 10)? "0" &#43; dtm : dtm; 

                var dty = dt.getFullYear(); 

                var dth = dt.getHours(); 

                dth = (dth < 10)? "0" &#43; dth : dth; 

                var dtmm = dt.getMinutes(); 

                dtmm = (dtmm < 10)? "0" &#43; dtmm : dtmm; 

                var dts = dt.getSeconds(); 

                dts = (dts < 10)? "0" &#43; dts : dts; 






WIDTH="25%"><font color="blue" >Live servers: <sa_group_up_entries></font></TH> 

WIDTH="25%"><font color="red" >Dead servers: 







WIDTH="100%" BORDER=0> 


<TH> Pretty Name </TH> 

<TH> Check Description</TH> 

<TH> Hostname</TH> 

<TH> Check Response </TH> 

<TH> Status </TH> 

<TH> Status Change Date</TH> 

<TH> Status Change Time </TH> 

<TH> Non Downtime </TH> 

<TH> Downtime</TH> 






                                <!&#8212;Below line is up/down coloring -- > 

                                                <TR bgcolor="<saif sa_status is 
down>FF0000</saif><saif sa_status is up>FFFFFF</saif>"> 

                                                                <TD ALIGN=LEFT  
  WIDTH="16%">       <FONT face = "verdana" SIZE=2> <sa_prettyname></TD> 

                                                                <TD ALIGN=LEFT  
  WIDTH="16%">       <FONT face = "verdana" SIZE=2> <sa_checkdescription></TD> 

                                                                <TD ALIGN=LEFT  
  WIDTH="16%">       <FONT face = "verdana" SIZE=2> <sa_hostname></TD> 

                                                                <TD WIDTH="16%" 
SIZE=1 ><FONT face = "verdana" SIZE=2> <center><sa_checkresponse></center></TD> 

                                                                <TD WIDTH="16%" 
SIZE=1 ><FONT face = "verdana" SIZE=2> <center><sa_status></center></TD> 

                                                                <TD WIDTH="5%" 
SIZE=1 ><FONT face = "verdana" SIZE=2> 

                                                                <TD WIDTH="5%" 
SIZE=1 ><FONT face = "verdana" SIZE=2> 

                                                                <TD WIDTH="5%" 
SIZE=1 ><FONT face = "verdana" SIZE=2> 

                                                                <TD WIDTH="5%" 
SIZE=1 ><FONT face = "verdana" SIZE=2> 









                                <p>These Controls  running by 












Erkan Öztürk
Sunucu Sistemleri Ve Sanallaþtýrma Baþuzmaný
Sistem Mühendisliði Bölümü

T. &#43;90 212 298 24 32
F. &#43;90 212 298 25 00 


From: Servers Alive Discussion List [mailto:salive@woodstone.nu] On Behalf Of 
Goretti, Paul
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2015 1:11 PM
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: [SA-list] Simple Web Output 


Hi all, 


I'm trying to create a simple output from SA that shows the following: 




Server1 is up 





Server1 is down 




Basically I'd like to present a simple to read up or down status on a large 
screen.  There will probably be 300 or so checks and I want to make it simple 
and obvious to see quickly which server is down.  I'm no CSS guru but maybe 
someone else has done this??? 


Appreciate any thoughts 



Paul Goretti 


ICT Officer - Infrastructure 




East Renfrewshire Council 

Main St 


G78 1SY 


Your Council, Your future 



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