Great idea!!  

  From: Anthony Laatz <>
 To: Servers Alive Discussion List <> 
 Sent: Wednesday, March 4, 2015 8:40 AM
 Subject: [SA-list] Raspberry Pi 2

Could SA run on Raspberry Pi? OR Maybe wait for the free (probably stripped 
down) version of Windows 10 (granted it is not released yet) that is being made 
available for the Raspberry Pi 2? I am visioning a stand-alone $35+ Servers 
Alive computer/server that does it checks, on hardware (rather than virtual) 
box that is very low power consumption, very small foot print, but still has 
network access, USB access for SMS notifications, etc.  This way we are not 
taking up a windows license for one server doing one task, or taking away from 
CPU cycles on any particular server.   
If anyone is curious what I am talking about here is a link to the DIY project 
board. It has many uses. ( – I 
am guessing wait and see what Windows 10 brings us, instead of trying to export 
the code over to Linux/Raspberry Pi.  Here is the article link for the Windows 
10 and Raspberry Pi 2 announcement. 
Thank you,
Anthony Laatz

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