The latest official release (can be downloaded from is v7.2.2638
The latest beta build, which is time-limited, can be download from, is v7.9.2690


-----Original Message-----
From: Servers Alive Discussion List [] On Behalf
Of Webber, Ev
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2015 4:35 PM
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: RE: [SA-list] Is .xml output possible?

Thanks Dirk ... little by little I'm getting there.

What is the current release version?

Thanks for the years of a great and improving product.

-----Original Message-----
From: Servers Alive Discussion List [] On Behalf
Of dirk
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2015 9:46 AM
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: RE: [SA-list] Is .xml output possible?

In your template you have the sa_report part, you can filter with that on
the status too.

<sa_report sort= status=DOWN>

=> this will force it only to include the DOWN entries.


On 2015-08-14 13:05, Webber, Ev wrote:
> I now have a template that is successfully creating an XML file. It is
> a very basic output file but has everything I need. It actually has
> more information than I need. Is it possible to have the output only
> contain items that are DOWN while ignoring all other results? The file
> is being used to display status reports to a flat screen in our
> software development department and they tend to freak out when then
> come in first thing in the morning and SA is reporting multiple items
> in MAINTENANCE due to our daily early morning maintenance window.
> Another side of the same coin would be "Is there a way to
> differentiate between items not checked during the DO NOT CHECK time
> block and those that are individually placed into MAINTENANCE by
> unchecking their entry?"
> Thanks.

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