Thanks for the response.  Yes – the updated version resolved the hanging 
problem.  Don’t suppose there is anything about an inability to send SMTP 
alerts? Same sever running SAlive - now version 8.1.2746 


I can test successfully the in the Alert Primary ( and alternate ) screens.  I 
have tried both with direct checked and unchecked – test works either way 
– the alerting doesn’t work with direct checked or unchecked. 


This is the debugview during the test it sequence for the SAlive PID of 1672. 

[1672] SETUP: Interchange fields set 

[1672] SETUP: Tree init 

[1672] SETUP: Tree nodes added 

[1672] SETUP: Frames filled 

[1672] SETUP: Done 

[1672] Message: 14452237920160812.SA812746-1, The following localhost value 
will be used for connecting: 

[1672] Just before setting the HELO for primary 


[1672] Message: 14452237920160812.SA812746-1, The following values will be used 

[1672] Message: 14452237920160812.SA812746-1, Successfully Send by Primary 

[1672] ORDER: 1=2THR,2=2004THR,0=1, 

[1672] SA DEBUG entry_thr_check_pre  1- UID= 2--999 

[1672] SA DEBUG entry_thr_check_pre  2- UID= 2004--999 

[1672] SA DEBUG entry_thr_check_pre  0- UID= 1—999 


This is the debugview during a check and down cycle.  I have that entry set to 
alert when 1 time down, then every 1 cycles.  So should be sending an SMTP 
alert on every check cycle.  But I get nothing.  I have to be missing something 


[1672] ORDER: 0=2THR, 

[1672] SA DEBUG entry_thr_check_pre  0- UID= 2--999 

[1672] Ping using UID=2) 

[1672] Ping Created new instance of wsPingThr! 

[1672] PacketSize : 32 - Nr of Frame to Send  5 - Timeout:  5000 - Type of 
Service:  0 - Check Type of Service: False 

[1672] wsPingThr ~ Enter the Ping method for the PingID: 0 

[1672] wsPingThr ~ Ping method for the PingID: 0, hostname:, 
PackageSize: 32, SendTimes:5, MaxTimeout:5000, old IP: 

[1672] wsPingThr ~ Starting the send of Ping for the PingID: 0 

[1672] wsPingThr ~ Exiting the Ping method for the PingID: 0 

[1672] SA DEBUG Ocoll.isrunning=false detected 

[1672] wsPingThr ~ PingID: 0, using the following hostIP: 

[1672] SA VB ping event START for 0- UID= 2 

[1672] SA VB entry_thr_check_post start  0- UID= 2 

[1672] SA DEBUG start of alerting engine  0- UID= 2 

[1672] SA DEBUG end AlertEngines_DoAlerts  0- UID= 2 

[1672] SA DEBUG end of alerting engine  0-UID= 2 

[1672] SA DEBUG adapt icon  0- UID= 2 

[1672] SA DEBUG end entry_thr_check_post  0- UID= 2 

[1672] SA VB ping event END for 0- UID= 2 

[1672] Ping Destroy the instance of wsPingThr! 


This is my primary SAlive server and what debugview looks like during an SMTP 

[4848] SA DEBUG end AlertEngine_ExecuteAlert (SMTPP)  136- 2067 

[4848] SA DEBUG end of AlertEngine_DoAlert  136- 2067 

[4848] Message: 1625320320160812.SA792686-1, The following localhost value will 
be used for connecting: 

[4848] SA DEBUG end AlertEngines_DoAlerts  136- UID= 2067 

[4848] Message: 1625320320160812.SA792686-1, The following PMailServerIP: values will be used 

[4848] Message: 1625320320160812.SA792686-1, Setting the following MailServer: 

[1696] 8/12/2016\11:25:03 AM The logging is not enabled by the server! [SMTP 

[1696] 8/12/2016\11:25:03 AM The logging is not enabled by the server! [SMTP 

[1696] 8/12/2016\11:25:03 AM The logging is not enabled by the server! [SMTP 

[4848] Message: 1625320320160812.SA792686-1, The following PMailServerIP value 
was receive from ISMTP: "", existing IP: 

[1696] 8/12/2016\11:25:03 AM The logging is not enabled by the server! [SMTP 

[4848] Message: 1625320320160812.SA792686-1, Successfully Send by Primary 

[1696] 8/12/2016\11:25:08 AM The logging is not enabled by the server! [SMTP 




IT-Works on site @ Fort HealthCare | Sr Sys Integration Architect | Fort HealthCare | 
O:920-568-5137 | C:414-861-7205 or 414-467-7543 | 




From: Servers Alive Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Dirk Bulinckx
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2016 11:25 AM
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: RE: [SA-list] SAlive hangs on external check 


That's a known but and as you can see on 
( solved in buil 2730 (and later). 







From: Servers Alive Discussion List [ 
(] On Behalf Of Turner, Peter
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2016 6:10 PM
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: [SA-list] SAlive hangs on external check 

I am running SAlive enterprise on a 2012 server.  And from time to time it pops 
an error and stops working.  I am not ready to hang the cause of that problem 
on ServersAlive but I thought I would install SAlive on another server to 
monitor SAlive on the first server.  At least I would know primary had stopped 
monitoring and could deal with it. 


So I installed a second Servers Alive instance on a different (2012) server.  I 
have two checks – one a ping which works consistently, the other an 
external check which runs a VB exe that I have been using for years with 
SAlive, and works fine on the primary server.   I have SAlive running and the 
problem entry in maintenance with SAlive is checking every minute, when I set 
the problem entry to active, when the check fires on the next cycle, the SAlive 
GUI goes to Not Responding.  I have also tried to run other external programs 
– they too hang SAlive. 


By hang, I mean the SAlive GUI goes to not responding and stays there.  I can X 
out of the GUI so there is still some control but it ends 
“ungracefully” with a Windows “is not responding” 
dialog.  The details from the dialog don’t give much of a clue (below) 
– to me anyway.  When it is hung, the external check I am running does 
not appear in task list so I would claim it is getting stuck before it can 
actually fire the external check.  


I have learned that if I set the external program to cmd /c test.bat where 
test.bat contains my exe, THAT works.  I also learned that setting check to cmd 
/c executable.exe hangs.  


I guess I can run my check with a batch file, but I have never had to before 
and wonder why this instance is different.  My primary version is 7.9 this 
version is 8.0 ( thought I would test new version when I installed this second 
instance ). 


Anybody got and ideas – or means of further troubleshooting this 





  A problem caused this program to stop interacting with Windows. 


Problem signature: 

  Problem Event Name:                        AppHangB1 

  Application Name:                             serversalive.exe 

  Application Version:                  

  Application Timestamp:                    56819d56 

  Hang Signature:                                  8ba8 

  Hang Type:                                          134217984 

  OS Version:                                          6.3.9600. 

  Locale ID:                                             1033 

  Additional Hang Signature 1:           8ba81a214bb23ec559aeb9f4d4bd211d 

  Additional Hang Signature 2:           41e3 

  Additional Hang Signature 3:           41e35170daf2ebd4ae52e832a9762c4f 

  Additional Hang Signature 4:           8ba8 

  Additional Hang Signature 5:           8ba81a214bb23ec559aeb9f4d4bd211d 

  Additional Hang Signature 6:           41e3 

  Additional Hang Signature 7:           41e35170daf2ebd4ae52e832a9762c4f 


IT-Works on site @ Fort HealthCare ( | Sr Sys Integration 
Architect | Fort HealthCare | O:920-568-5137 | C:414-861-7205 or 414-467-7543 | ( 




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