Things are getting a bit worked up on the list again!  I can definitely see
both sides of the argument. Of course people don't have as much time for the
SAM anymore and part of the reason for that is that most of us were teenagers
when we had the time - nowadays we've grown up, got jobs etc., and we don't
have the same time to devote to hobbies. That doesn't mean you can't have your
SAM kicking about your room somewhere, ready to load up the odd disk mag or
whatever once or twice a week. It's just a hobby! You don't have to declare
either undying faith, devotion and love to it, just to call yourself a SAM
owner, nor do you have to suddenly turn round and say, it's all bollocks, and
try and ruin the hobby for everyone else. Let's forget this crap about whether
the SAM is dead or not, that's one for the philosophers. It'll be "alive" for
years, as someone, somewhere in the world will still be using one. 

And of course people don't have the same time to devote to programming for the
SAM. It's a big bad world out there, and no-one is going to make a living from
SAM - that isn't to say that people can't enjoy their hobby AND make a few
quid at the same time, as several people are still doing on the SAM.

I'll admit that I too was thinking that maybe the SAM really was on its last
legs, in terms of numbers of users, but I've been extremely encouraged by the
response to the SAM Community user group which I've started. This was
mentioned in the most recent issues of Fred and Blitz for those who don't know
what it is, and since those articles, I've received, on average, an
application every single day. Even more encouraging is the fact that I haven't
even heard of most of these people. It's easy to think that the members of
this list are the only SAM users left, but I've seen lately that it's simply
not true. There will be a web site up by next week, explaining the SAM
Community in depth. 

So, folks, can we stop bickering again before we drive yet another person
away? If you have no time for the SAM, I think we all perfectly understand,
but some of us still enjoy using our blue footed friend - don't spoil it for
the rest of us eh? Just politely say your goodbyes and leave the rest of us to
it :) 

(Feel free to email me if you want more info on the SAM Community - and before
you start a flame war about how the SAM Community is going to kill this or
that, or how I'm just doing it for money, or how I'm just doing it to inflate
my ego, you might want to read the articles in the disk mags, or wait for the
web site in a few days - it'll save you making a fool of yourself, trust me).
   Email- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ - 5099913
     Web site -
 IRC - SparkY or SparkYY on #TheLocal or #SAM-Community

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