> Out of curiousity, what SAM related projects are
> people working on?

Well here we go(some of them). All software this time !!!
B-DOS 1.5
PC MOUSE drivers for COMMs interface
JETPAC (I just love the speccy version)
MODE 3 text editor with MODE 4 graphics.(Same method as I did with 
the BLITZ 6 Menu).
And even more. Too many Ideas. I hope too I'll be able to finish them 

Edwin Blink.

> Personally, I'm working on the MIDI to SAM Sequencer
> Song file converter. Presently, in PRO-DOS - with the
> intention of porting it to native SAM. Early estimates
> (from the prototype) show that an 80k .mid file will be
> converted into a SAM Sequencer song file in less than
> 2 minutes - which is slightly better than the 45 minutes
> that the convertor that came with Sequencer said it would
> take. Which is just as well since I've got about 16disks
> worth of midi files to convert to SAM format, yet...
> But, knowing me (Mr. Vapourware himself) I'll probably
> not actually get around to polishing the proggy off for
> releasing... maybe this time. :)
> Justin.

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