David wrote:
> > The current situation is that although DW has signed a contract returning 
> > FRED
> > to me, I have *not* yet signed it. Hence FRED still lies fully with him - 
> > all
> > properties, copyrights and obligations. GB however, has not signed a 
> > contract
> > turning FRED over to him - and despite the alleged appearance of one issue 
> > in
> > the six months he's "taken over" - looks unlikely to do so.
> Well, that's odd as not only has he released one issue, the next issue
> (from what I understand) is about to be released in a matter of a couple
> of weeks... before his next show I'd expect.

And on this subject, as most of the 6 months (apparantly) he didn't
actually have any of the Fred material (it was with Allen Clarkson or
something?) .... let alone a readers
database (and from what I understand, that was in such a state that
there was no clear indication regarding people who had resubbed...!)
that it's possibly only really 2-3 months of this time span that he'd
had any ability to do anything with the Fredstuff anyway...

If that's the case, 1 issue - bimonthly - is not such a bad feat!

I remember it took Malcolm about 3-4 months to sort out the mess I made
with my subs to Prime, and at least he could speak directly to me about
that. I don't suppose George has the luxary of that with Darren?

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