At 12:15 am +0100 31/3/99, Paul Walker wrote:

>Failing that, use PNG, which includes gamma correction data. If you can't
>write it, get a decent OS. ;-)

I could even do that. But not until I go back to Cambridge...

Although it isn't so much a matter of what my software can write (it can
write just about anything) as a matter of what visitors to the web page can
read. The current (Macintosh) versions of Netscape and iCab can read PNGs.
Internet Explorer and Cyberdog cannot, and they both pass the file onto
GraphicConverter which can (but only because I've told it to).

PNG isn't nearly so well established as GIF or JPG, and I'd rather keep my
pages available even to people who don't bother to upgrade their web
browser every weekend.


| Andrew Collier | email [EMAIL PROTECTED]       | Talk sense to a
| Part 2 NatSci  | | fool and he
+----------------+-----------------------------+ calls you foolish
| Selwyn College Student Computer Support Team |   -- Euripides

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