
        My brand new copy of SAM Elite is sitting mostly unplayed due to the
continuing deterioration of my SAM power supply and so on. The disk uses
some crazy format, so neither samdisk (the useless gives up on bad
sectors or the DJGPP does all sectors but crashes in dos boxes versions)
type program will convert it.

        It has been brought to my attention that such games can be converted
for .dsk-able use, so I am wondering if anyone has SAM Elite (just to
make entirely clear : the game, not the silly cut down computer) as a
usable .dsk and is willing to send it to me? I can take a picture of the
box and disk next to the date on a newspaper or something and scan that
to prove I own it if they want. I'm really not a pirate. No matter what
David Ledbury says!


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