
        to aid me in my continuing attempts to write some code that does
something interesting, please feel free to answer the following
questions :

                - is LDIR the fastest way to draw sprites to random positions 
on the
screen (random in the same way as random access memory is anyway)

                - is LDIR the 'best' way to move sprites (bearing in mind they 
have a
black border to rub themselves out - this is only my first z80 anything,
and I don't want to aim too high), or should I be looking into RLD and
RRD for incrementally moves? If so, am I still resorting to a series of
LDIRs to move up and down? Ideally my sprites aren't tied to any
particular direction of travel

                - what sort of numbers of 16x8 sprites could one be expected to
achieve in this sort of system? Am I likely to be able to manage 8 or so
even with my limited experience?

                - I seem to remember that the BASIC 'pallette at line' or 
whatever the
command was was referred to in the manual as an on-chip capability . . .
can it really be done 'automatically'?

        That's it for now!


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