Simon Cooke wrote:
>From: Paul Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> > > Hell.. Why not use a tar + gzip combination? :)
>> > And why use it, when there is ZIP?
>> 'cause tar+gzip compresses better, as a general rule.
>RAR, of course, has the same benefits. The reason tar + gzip compresses
>better is because ZIP treats separate files as individual compression
>blocks; rather than compressing the entire archive. For data that may be
>repeated across files, tar'ing and then gzipping the file gives better

But in SimCoupe it will (almost certainly) be used for compressing a single
.dsk/.sad file - efficiency of compression of multiple files is not likely
to be an issue...

By the sounds of it, it should be equally plausible to implement gzip or
zip support, probably?


 --  Andrew Collier  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  --        My other
  --      --       .sig is a
   -- Part 3 Materials Science, Cambridge --      PDF file

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