> > Changed address to, er, this one. :-)
> Not according to majordomo :-)

Oh, that minor thing...

> Spooky, since the black-sun.d.c.u isn't in the list returned from a
> sam-users' - redirections at Warwick?

Hm. Yeah, the dcs one is sort of redirected here, but I changed the
subscription to point here, I thought.  At least, what *should* happen
if you mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] is that you get a semi-bounce back,
which says "He's gone, try [EMAIL PROTECTED]".

Ta anyway, will investigate that.

To email me, change nospam to black-sun.

"Wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair, and all the terrible
things that
happen to us come because we actually deserve them? So now I take great
comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."
 -- Marcus Cole, Babylon 5

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