Hi Rob...

Robert Wilkinson wrote:
> Does anyone know of a better interface than Outlook Express and if so how do
> I interface it to my current ISP.

There are loads of email programs out there (if thats what you mean)...
As for free ones, now thats a different matter.  Presumably this is for
Win95/98 ...I use Netscape (the whole caboodle) but I don't know whats
better than that - no doubt *something* is cos frankly its a bit clunky
(but free!).  Try:  http://www.download.com  and search for 'email' (or
something similar)... You'll get the lot then!
> Or does anyone know of a free ISP that uses something different from Outlook
> Express.

Well, *any* ISP that can use Outlook Express will be able to use *any*
other email program  ....The only reason you've probably got Outlook
Express is that thats what they give you.... If you want help setting
anything up lemme know & I'll lend a hand..

Martin Fitzpatrick

"Aliens are in control of Blair, say Serb psychics" - From the
Independent on Sunday (today)... 

..So, my suspicions were well founded :o)

(and in the body of the story..)

"If one were to switch off the impulses radiated at the US president by
the extra-terrestrials, only a sax player would remain"

...So, extra-terrestrial 'impulses' turned him into a lying cheating
adulterer?  <g>  I like this.

ICQ#: 11077801
AOL/CServeIM: Flupert

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