Hi there!

It's summer, which means lots of hot weather (maybe) and a lot of rain
(definitely), but also lots of free time for a lot of you.

Bored yet?

If you fancy doing something fun and also something that'll help The
Your Sinclair Rock'n'Roll Years, here's the perfect solution: play
loads of Speccy and SAM games!

The YSRnRY needs your help. We need screenshots. Lot's of 'em. We've got
screens for the vast majority of the games mentioned in the first thirty
issues of YS, but that's not enough - we're aiming for as close to
total coverage as possible.

So, send us any screenshots you have made, or, if you're feeling
particularly generous, pick an issue which has missing screenshots and
fill in the gaps. Owners of Speccy game CDs like the WOS CD will find
this much easier as they won't have to download some games before they
play them. It'll be a good idea to send me a quick email before you do
an issue's worth to verify that that issue hasn't been done yet.

Any picture format is welcome, so long as it isn't compressed (so GIF,
PCX, BMP and PNG is OK, but JPEG isn't). It doesn't matter if the shot
includes the border or not (i.e. x128 screenshots includes a bit of the
BORDER, Z80 doesn't) - I'll chop out the border later.

One important thing to remember is that we're after in-game screenshots,
NOT loading screens, nor front-ends.

Send your screenshots to <name of emulator>@the-den.clara.net


so I can distinguish between which emu took which shot and process them

Extra screenshots should appear on the site within the two weeks after
you've sent them to me.

Many thanks for any help you can give me.

-       Nick Humphries, via DejaNews        -
-    (Home email [EMAIL PROTECTED])    -
-    The Your Sinclair Rock'n'Roll Years    -
- http://www.the-den.clara.net/ys/cover.htm -

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