On Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 11:38:00PM +0100, Dave Hooper wrote:
> (Having said that, I would be very surprised if there wasn't ALREADY some
> kind of single-stepping / debugging stuff in the source. Vital for emulator
> development, shurely)

Not really.  The code for xz80 (on which SimCoupé's cpu emulation is based)
contains a simple-minded thing for printing out a log of register contents
(not even the code being executed), which generates a *lot* of output as the
thing runs.  If that was not sufficient then debugging the emulator involved
using a C-debugger to set breakpoints, examine and set registers, etc. A
breakpoint in the Z80 code is set by setting the C variable "breakpoint"
and putting a C breakpoint at the code:

      if(pc==breakpoint && pc)
         breaks++; /* some code at which to set a breakpoint */

And all this isn't compiled in by default as it slows the emulator down.


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