On Thu, 26 Aug 1999, Chris Pile wrote:

> The game images plus some general background information can be found here:
>     http://homepages.enterprise.net/pegasus/defender

Not that I want to be unnecessarily picky, but on the site you say:
          I'm releasing SAM DEFENDER into the public domain. The copyright
remains mine and the game must not be sold for profit or gain. 
This is actually a contradiction - since you want to retain copyright you
shouldn't be calling it Public Domain (Public Domain is a well-defined
term, legally speaking, which precludes copyright ownership by any
individual). You should probably term it freeware. HTH. 

But anyway, good on you for uploading that! Remind me to buy you a drink
some time... speaking of which, doeS aNyBody know whether there is a
Quedgeley show planned for this October?? I realise Bob's the person to
ask, but has anyone managed to contact him recently? I'd hate to think
that Sam's tenth birthday may go by without a proper "party"...


 --  Andrew Collier  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  --        My other
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   -- Part 3 Materials Science, Cambridge --      PDF file

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