though I didn't think anything of it at the time, I receieved when I was
younger a SAM disk featuring the Spectrum games Chase HQ, WEC Le Mans and
Tetris 2 appearing exactly as they would on a 128kb ZX Spectrum. Also, some
old ZX Spectrum emulator appears.

        Since I have been investigating SAM and ZX programming of late, I am now
aware that to achieve this, someone will have had to reprogram the memory
paging scheme and the sound chip stuff (after all, an SAA is not an AY).

        Now, because no-one else seems to offer these games (though I am aware 
Aley at least has them), and because all three of these games are available on
WOS I've taken a moment to SAMDSK the disk, clean up the files (though please
excuse the rather 'basic' menu at the start - I can't have been more than 12
when I wrote it) and upload it. Also, concerning the Spectrum emulator, the
ROM is now free for emulation and the emulator is freeware anyway.

        Anyway, just thought someone might be interested. (contains a DSK image file, but
at least Chase HQ doesn't run very well in SIM).

        Sorry if I'm just cluttering up e-mail inboxes . . .


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