Johnna Teare wrote:
> On 29 Aug 99, at 17:32, Thomas Harte wrote:
> > > Arcade perfect, is it? Does it have the coloured strips? Eh? Eh?!
> >
> >  Surely the coloured strips would be the easiest thing to get arcade
> >  perfect
> > because of the ease of switching palette entries halfway down the screen?
> >
> >   -Thomas
> >
> It was written in SCADs and iirc it didn't like pallette lines much. The
> actual games wasn't very faitful to the original - more of a cheap
> botched attempt like eveything I've written - love developing ideas,
> but hate writing the damn games!

Hehe,... SCADS eh?  Ahh, them were the days :)...  I was always a bit
peeved with Jupiter Software over that - I wrote a game & sent it to
them, then they sent it back running about twice the speed.  Despite my
constant nudging they just wouldn't tell me how they'd done it, beyond
the slightly vague "tweaking"... hmph.

If only they'd brought out the SCADS compiler (i.e. if only they'd
written it)... it woulda been alright... Well, apart from its problems
will pallete lines, background screen images, scrolling (of any kind),
music (...etc.)

Hehe... I'm getting all reminiscent, I might even dig out my "Big Box"
of stuff that I wrote....  Does it work on SimCoupe? (SCADS that is)


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