On Sun, 5 Sep 1999, Andrew Gale wrote:

> > On the subject of high density floppies, would it be possible to connect
> > an Amiga high density drive to the Spectrum and Sam? I know someone here
> > in Dunedin, New Zealand who has been considering the idea of attaching a
> > high density drive to their Spectrum. Neither he nor I know much about
> > the Amiga drives though.
> When you talk of high-density drives, do you  mean 1.44Mb 3.5"
> drives, or something newer, like ZIP drives?

I would assume that when someone was talking about "High Density
Floppies", they are in fact referring to "High Density Floppies", or
HDFDs, sometimes erroneously called "1.44MB" disks, despite the fact that
you can easily get 1.6MB on them, maybe more if you were feeling
dangerous. ;)


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