> Actually.. to make this kinda less than worthless as a message (well,
> ok, perhaps just worthless)...  Where is the latest Win32 version? Does
> it have sound blah blah blah....  I mean, I can't live without my POW
> command.

Actually, can I make a request for a sort of "status snapshot" of SimCoupe?

Including such things as, which platforms is it available for? what's the 
latest release? what's the latest *public* release (not always the same)? 
where can it be obtained from? etc. Use your imagination, it's the useful 
things I want. :-)

I mean, I've seen people talking about 0.79, and it's like "Wha? I haven't 
even got 0.783 yet!"

People can post it to the list, or email it to me for collation. Be warned 
that if you do the latter it'll be a while before I get back to you, since I 
get proper email access somewhat infrequently at the moment.



Civilization won't *die* from Y2k. It'll be more like Civilization goes
out drinking and the next morning discovers the importance of drinking
gin out of smaller containers.
 -- Source unknown

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