It's just bloody typical, isn't it? Two days before I'm due to sign
the tenacy agreement and move into my new flat, I finally get the urge
to do some SAM development when I'm supposed to be packing up my stuff
into little boxes. But no, I end up spending the whole weekend either
sleeping, watching the F1 Grand Prix, or sitting at my SAM (after
finding all the bits and bobs and wiping off a 1cm thick layer of
dust) with a number of cans of beer going "tappity-tappity-tap"...

And I /still/ haven't started packing a single thing!!! I guess I'm
glad that I'm just moving about 10minutes walking distance down the
road rather than across the country. I wouldn't be suprised if my
SAM gets left in a box for another 6 months after I move, either. :(

Anyway, who needs my new address?

Colin P of Quazar needs it, I guess... Damn, I can't find his email
address anywhere...

There's no Persona to send it to.. ummm....

Is there anyone else? Gavin?


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