And we didn't have fancy stuff like calculators either, we had to count
things up on our fingers... if we wanted to do subtractions we had to have
fingers amputated.


-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Date: 14 November 1999 08:20
Subject: Re: Wincoupe

Robert Wilkinson wrote:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Martin Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Date: 14 November 1999 07:13
> Subject: Re: Wincoupe
> >> >Robert Wilkinson wrote:
> > >> My machines a 166 pentium.
> > >>
> > >> Wincoupe needs a faster machine than this
> >> >
> > Martin Wilson Wrote
> >Cor somepeople don't know they're born. I'm only using a Amstrad 386
> with
> >built in megadrive and I'm happy to have it. Fast enough for email and a
> bit of
> >browsing. 4MEG is ample. 166 indeed thats a bloomin powerhouse of a
> computer.
> >They don't know there born nowadays. I remember when you could get into
> >cinema, a few pints of beer and a 3 course meal for less than half a
> crown.....
> >
> >
> Up until 18 months ago I was using a 286, 16 Mhz, 4Mbs Ram, 40Mbs hard
> drive.
> I couldn't afford an all singing all dancing machine. I visited sunday
> sales.
> Picked up a cheap motherboard here, a proccessor there, etc,etc.
> My machine cost less than £100.00. It can be done. It is also slow by
> standards.
> And I also remenber those days, plus taking ration books to the shop for
> mum.
> Bob Wilkinson. (getting cranky)

Car boots I went to one of them but I found the field too bumpy for my penny
farthing so turned back. when I got home me and the family got round the old
piano. Apples and pears... apples and pears. Them were the days. It was all
fields back then.

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