>>I have a program called Samdisk on PC that converts
>>standard SAM disks to pc disk file and viceversa.
>>Can I send this program as an attachment to the
>>SAM mailing list? It's a ZIP file and about 70K.
>>If so, I put all my programs on one SAM disk and
>>convert it to DSK file using Samdisk and then send
>>it as an attachment to SAM mailing list as well.
>>The DSK file will be 800k (surprise!), but I suppose
>>I can compress it with PkZip.

Hello! (Sorry I haven't been posting much recently. Been busy with research
project work and things....)

It isn't "done" to post binaries to mailing lists. You should upload it to
a server instead, and post a URL here if you like.

There's a Sam directory at ftp://ftp.nvg.ntnu.no/pub/sam-coupe

If you like, I can also make your programs downloadable from somewhere on



 --  Andrew Collier  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  --        My other
  --      http://mnemotech.ucam.org      --       .sig is a
   -- Part 3 Materials Science, Cambridge --      PDF file

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