Andrew Collier wrote:
> >I know there is still probably still a lot missing, if anyone spots
> >anything, let me know and I'll add it, likewise if you want your
> >email/URL on the "People" page.  (I deleted a
> >load of invalid emails from this list.  I know some of them have just
> Was Amalthea *really* written by Balor Knight?? Also, where you mention
> Splat - you mistpyed soeccy conversion.

Urm, probably not, C&P error from reptitive copying ;-) - Fixed.
> And Syncytium is not spelled Syncantium. Tch.

Apologies, dunno why that was wrong given it's spelt right elsewhere. -

> BTW Perhaps you could add MNEMOtech to /Coupe/Producer/ ? IF you want a
> URL, that's

Done.  I knew there was at least one group forgotten.
> And feel free to add my email address to the contacts page (if you could
> use [EMAIL PROTECTED] - that should last beyond the end of this academic
> year...)

Cheers for the feedback,


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