
I played Outwrite 2 for the first time over the weekend. Not a bad little
program! :) It might actually be of some use to me (rather than using
ZDE on Pro-DOS for all my text writing).

But, I need help setting up my printer for it. It's a HP DJ 4-something.
I've got all the printer codes for it but I can't seem to find a way of
sticking them in the program anywhere (assuming the manual on the disk
doesn't really correspond to the program much).

Oh, and the other problem is that all the text is printed right on the
left-hand edge of the paper rather than leaving a few characters for
the margin. I'm guessing that it has something to do with printer
initialisation. After all, this printer isn't exactly an Epson dot-
matrix... Where abouts in the program can I change this?

Is there still a 41000 character limit on version 2 of outwrite?

Hoping for help,

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