> I'm a bit disappointed in Aley's SAAEmu 0.61.
> 1. Credit on the main screen (as requested!). Preferably immediately below
> the line that says "Z80 emulator by FMS & Aley Keprt, libraries by (c) FMS
> 1996". If possible, credit should say "SAA-1099 emulator (c)1999 Dave
> latest @ http://www.geocities.com/stripwax";. This is eighty characters.
> 2. Documentation (saaemu.rtf) should include my email address too. I'm
> afraid my version of MSWord does not correctly render the crazy
> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] field codes - it displays "Error! Bookmark
> defined". At the very least change mine to read "Dave Hooper, the author
> SAAsound: [EMAIL PROTECTED]". Maybe change the others so they are
> human-readable too?
> 3. Ideally, your site
> should also mention a link to get the latest version of SAASound.dll. Even
> an email address would do.
> 4. Are there bugs in saaemu 0.61? Every now-and-then it spews crazy
> all over the screen, including messages like "CPU HALTed and stuck at
> PC=0099h"  . Seems to happen especially when doing "SAA32 tunes\enola" and
> playing and quitting and playing and quitting, a couple of times, and then
> doing "SAA32 tunes\tetris"
> I will shortly be releasing the source for saasound.dll (as soon as I'm
> happy with it and it's in a readable state!)
> D a v e

1. Credits? No problem. I will do the changes to let you sleep better.
2. Get a later Word version.
3. I don't know your web address.
4. Message CPU halt... is by Z80 CPU emulator. I can't say more, since I
   never got this one. When you ask: Is there a bug? I must say: Yes, it
looks like
   a bug.

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