Dave Fulton returns from the Beyond and wrote:

>Anyone remember me - an occasional poster to this list in the past?

I remember you!

>So, what's been happenning in the last 6-7 months?

Format's dead. Persona's dead. Practically everyone has given up.
Only Quazar (and a handful of souls) seem to be holding up the
SAM Banner.

SimWinCoupeForWin32 (nobody can make up their mind what to call it)
is going well, though, it seems.

>Who's still around?

Most of the usual gang (between the arguments).
Some new people with famous (SAM) names have appeared. (May I
recommend Chris Pile's Defender game? - and it's free to download)

>BTW are Martin / Maria Rookyard still on?

Ummm... They were. Not sure if they are now...


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