> > It started purely as a Newsletter, the idea being that if I started a
> > fanzine, it would interfere with Format, Blitz, Fred etc. It was
> I remember - the fanzine was SAM world wasn't it?  But some people were 
> against it.

Yeah, mainly Bob...! 

> > however, as all the mags seem to have died, and
> > everything has gone a little pear shaped over the past year (especially
> > with Persona), I've decided to evolve the Newsletter into a full
> > fanzine. Don't worry, we're not talking 2 or 3 quid an issue, we're
> > talking bare minimum - a fiver or so a year (it's bi-monthly). 
> Great idea - would even suggest making it more frequent / bigger now that
> there's no other mag to compete.
> > details to follow this weekend, along with a website which I'm actually
> > working on at the moment. 

Now there's a novelty ;)

> Keep me posted - I'll subscribe!

Me too! Hey, I already have havent i?

> > PS I know Andrew Collier and a couple of other people were threatened by
> > Bob for using the SAM Coupe logo, but he can't actually do anything can
> > he? 
> I don't know much about it - if it's his logo, then I'm sure that he could
> if he was so inclined (I take it he's no longer on the list).  However,
> while he claims to own the copyright, I thought there was something of an
> issue on this.  

He's talking out his arse... he never owned it!

> Out of curiosity, if Format is no more, what happens to stuff it owns the
> rights to (e.g. the technical manual)?

The manuals about the only thing he did own!

> > PPS I'm a little more unsure of this one - I'd like to use the SAM robot
> > illustrations in the manual to brighten the fanzine up a little - anyone
> > know the copyright issues?

See Robin Evans for this! Or Maybe Mel Croucher (try a company house search on 
Mel Croucher Ltd ;)

> This one has come up before.  I think Bob claims to have the rights to

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