----- Original Message -----
From: Martijn Groen
To: sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 1999 9:03 PM
Subject: b-dos docs

To add to that, for those who have a Atom-version of SamPaint (I have the
original, so don't worry), this version is not compatible with Bdos 1.6,
loading works fine, but saving crashes the program.

BTW1: I am not going to email or upload the Atom-SamPaint, so there :P
BTW2: Martijn could you turn off rich-text, please :)
BTW3: oh and i can't make it to Voorburg this month (you know "Sinterklaas",
christmas, newyears eve etc. etc.), sorry.

Robert van der Veeke aka RJV Graphics
Currently listening to : Koei Game Music Works - Yoko Kanno

"From the grassy knoll, armed with a high-powered longbow..." - Septyn

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