I've become a convert fan of "Badger-Navigation".... its more fun than a
finger of fudge.  And the tangerine page is nice too actually... pure
genius.. makes me hungry though.  I might sue.

I didn't want to do a normal homepage so I just chucked some stuff about me on a site full of what I like to think of as art. Mostly nicked art, but then I doubt Damien Hirst didn't rear that cow himself...

Where has that pic of you been used before, just its another of those
"hmm, recognise that" things... You werent the Tetris girl were you? ;)

Think it's on the MNEMO pages cos I said they could nick it. I think it's a horrible pic but I got two proposals of marriage within a week of putting it on the site. It's possible I'm the Tetris girl, I've been wandering around in a drug-crazed transvestite haze for the last decade so I can't remember (Hey, we've all been there, haven't we? Haven't we? Oh dear)


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