At 1:07 am +0000 1/1/00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>My name is Albert Lukacs.
>My looking for SAM COUPE.
>Help me !

Hello! Sorry I've been slow to reply, but I've been away from my email
account for a few weeks over Christmas and New Year.

If you want to buy a Sam Coupe, you probably won't be able to find one new
unfortunately. Bob Brenchley, who had been more-or-less in charge of things
for a while, has recently stopped communicating and is unlikely to be able
to sell you a Sam.

However, you may have more luck finding one second-hand. In particular, a
Sam once owned by Simon Cooke is now being sold; it is in England, so I
imagine you would have to pay quite a high price for the postage, but I
recommend that you email Maria Rookyard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> who I
anticipate would be happy to give you further details.

On the other hand, you may find that a software simulator of the Sam will
be sufficient. A program called SimCoupe is already available for Linux,
Dos and MacOS, and a new enhanced version for Win32 is near release. You
should be able to get details at

Hope that helps,


 --  Andrew Collier  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  --    Count the syllables
  --      --   Haiku doesn't need to rhyme
   -- Part 3 Materials Science, Cambridge --  Particularly

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