Thanks for reminding me about all this stuff Dave - it's been sitting 
in my inbox for the last month waiting to be compiled.

So here it is. More glamourous than the Brits, more pretentious than 
the Labour party, more predicatable than this year's are the results for the SAM Coupe Millenium Poll.

The first category - Best Game. Up to 18 months after the SAM 
was released, there was one undisputed contender for the 
crown. Defenders of the Earth. Since then, however, things have 
improved ever so slightly. So ...rustles with envelope... the winner 

Prince of Persia

Lemmings and Stratosphere were slugging it out for second place, 
with Lemmings just shading it.

The second category, best Appplication / Utility.

There were loads of suggestions for this, but right from the outset 
there was only really ever one winner.

SAM Paint.

The memory of Flash has finally been erased.

The battle for the best piece of hardware was hotly contested 
with loads of suggestions ranging from teh original machine (which 
I don't think really counts does it?!) through to the DiskProtector 
(surely something that should have been implemented from the 
outset anyway...!)

The winner, just outpipping the Quazar Surround Sound, is...

the Atom.

The world of Paper Mags was the strangest category. The 
winning magazine only ever had two issues published, and the 
runner up was a Spectrum magazine. A bit of a kick in the teeth for 
'industry standard' FORMAT, which only got mentioned in passing.

The winner...BOAI (runner up, Your SInclair).

Best Disk Mag...Dead Predicatable...FRED (was it ever going to be 
anything else)

The Best Demo Ever Ever Ever produced 12...count 'em...12 
nominations. A sign of a great demo scene, or just a confused set 
of voters...

You decided...MnemoDemo II.

And Statues of Ice polled two votes. Explain that.

We've had a tie withthe favourite SAM personality.

Alan & Bruce, who were always bundled together, polled as many 
votes as Simon Cooke. Colin McDonald came runner up.

But there was not doubt over the favourite SAM 
company...plaudits et all once again to FRED Publishing. Quazar 
was the onloy company that polled, that still survives today.

And so there you have it. Most of the choices were posed to the 
list, so you;ve all read each others individual SAM moments. 
Thanks to everyone who took part, and we'll see you again next 
Millnium for the WinCoupe 3000 Awards.
Peace, Love and Kisses...
JohnnaPig Teare
"The north and south are divided no more, so you and I can be equally poor"

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