On 17 Apr 00, at 16:36, Simon Cooke wrote:

> From: "The Mad Goose" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Hi Dave,
> >
> > Got shut of my SAM for just over 100 in the end which I'm happy
> > enough with - only a matter of time before the PSU bites the dust
> > again anyway!
> >
> > Any chance of a rehashed music list? And perhaps a games list if
> > you keep one of them? I'm after The Sims and I think I remember
> > you said you had it?
> Uh yeah... Maxis Piracy Hotline? Yeah, I know I work for Sierra On-Line, and
> we're competitors and all, but you might want to know about this Johnna
> Teare guy who's trying to pirate software...

Erm...I think you got the wrong end of the stick - I'm buying originals 
by auction...

Nothing up with that is there?

Peace, Love and Kisses...
JohnnaPig Teare - ICQ 53764545
Get paid to surf the net - no catches...

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