Thank you Andrew and Wo from Womo-team for replying to me.

(1) To Andrew. I guessed the situation regarding MasterDOS etc, but surely
     Dr Andy Wright could clarify that situation. Also why does no one quite
     Know if copyright belongs to them or not. If the software that was
     for the Sam is not made available, then the Sam will surely die.

(2)  For my part I have made any software I have written freely available,
     there is more. Is there anyone on this list who thinks that the
     to the Lerm assembler belongs to them, if so then contact me NOW, if no
     contact is made to me within one week from today, then I will allow
     The assembler and the Z80 Toolkit to go up on the Web. I wrote those
     programs and have no written contract with anyone, although I have
     that Persona was given the rights by Fred, who obtained them from Lerm.
     These are my programs, and as I say, contact me and we can talk, or
     forever hold your peace.

(3) Hello Wo. I must use the emulator as space is restricted at my location.
     I feel that the Wincoupe could help to breathe new life into Sam,
     in mind that you are hard pressed to buy a Coupe today. There must
     be lots of Spectrum owners that would like to move up to the Sam, but
     alas, cannot. I'm sure that given time and effort by the creators of
     Wincoupe, the sound problem would be solved.

     The Wincoupe offers to be the Sams salvation, and could attract new
     blood into the group.

     I for one would pay for the Wincoupe.

     Cmon Si, what say you.

    Bob Wilkinson.


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