My Sam is 11 years old, and touch wood, no computer problem,
or power supply. In the event of a supply failure, why not adapt an old
PC supply.

Bob Wilkinson.


-----Original Message-----
From: womoteam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Date: 03 May 2000 20:22
Subject: Re: Another one bites the dust

Andrew Collier wrotes:
> Ho hum. There goes another 12V line, thus keeping up my schedule of one
> power supply for about every 18 months of owning a Sam...
> I'm just glad I bought spares...
> Andrew
> --
>  --  Andrew Collier  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  --       Life is
>   --      --      somewhat dissimilar
>    -- Part 3 Materials Science, Cambridge --     to a bad analogy
>                                            --

Hi Andrew,
I use my third SAM in eight (!) years, but my first power supply. Have I a
golden one???
I think the bigger problem is the keyboard which has drived my SAMs down.
anybody know, where to get (buy) new ones nowadays? My keyboard has some
dropouts from time to time! (DonĀ“t believe in an positive result, but it is
worth a try to ask)

Wo from WoMo-Team

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