> You could remove the old ribbon connector and put pins in. Or even
> better, if a connector can be found with the same pinout as the original,
> then, as long as a mating plug can be found. that could do it.

Yes, I'd been thinking about this and flicking through various
catalogues - the only problem is that most connectors from place
like RS and Maplin seem horrendously expensive. Anyway, I'll
progress the design and then experiment with fitting it to my

> Do you intend to supply the PCB or the completed interface.

There's one chip that costs about a tenner in single quantities,
or about six pounds in 25+ quantities. And it's from a place
that charges a fair bit for postage and packaging - so for
individuals to build their own would be pretty expensive (plus
they'll need a PIC programmer). Also, I want to make sure that
I can shift 25 units if I go ahead and make the investment. Perhaps,
then, the best thing for me to do would be to finish the Speccy
interface too, to increase the chance of shifting all 25 chips,
and selling the SAM version as a complete unit or in kit form.
I'll still post the circuit on a web page somewhere, but realistically
it won't be economical for anyone to build just one for themself.


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