On Fri, 30 Jun 2000, James R Curry wrote:
> By judicious use of monkeys and typewriters, Gavin Smith came up with:
> > 2) We were talking a while back about the F16 Combat Pilot demo that 
> > was on Crash - didn't someone say they had a copy of it or am I 
> > misremembering? I'd love to see it - I know it turned out to be slow 
> > in the end, but still!
> I have the tape, but it's back in England so not much good.  I'd ask Graham to
> pay a visit to my parents and locate it, but he is regrettably now living in
> Manchester, so there's not very much I can do...  :(

WOS appears to have a TZX of it, although how to load that into a Sam 
I have no idea (at least a TZX was on the WoS extras CD I got this


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