Dnia 00-10-19 Aley Keprt pisze:

> The real reasons are:
>  1. Sam is 8bit, Amiga 16bit, PC 32bit computer
This is not true. When you mean bitness as number of data lines
outside CPU case (usual meaning), the Amiga 1200 and 4000 are 
32bit, PC was 8bit (8088), 16bit (8086) and 32bit (80386DX). 

But to the code size the registers size has influence. In this
case SAM is 16bit, Amiga 32bit and PC is 16bit (real mode) or
32bit. I cannot say much about PC protected mode, but in real
mode 1/3 of code size is to deal with CPU structure (changing
segment registers or moving data from one register to register
that can be used in particular operation).

>  3. PC's op.system has several built-in funcions, which cause
> "hello world" programs to be quite large. But the point is
> that bigger programs don't grow so fast.
And you have to talk "whole sentence" to Windows...

> I think it would be much better to have some DOS & utils in
> 16kb ROM, and load Basic into RAM.
What we should do now?

> This way Sam would be cheaper, since we don't need 32kb ROM.
The 64kB EPROM chips are cheapar than 32kB and 16kB ones.

> Also, MGT could invest in good C compiler instead of Basic,
> which could dramatically change the state of the software ( =
> very little good software for Sam, compared to other
> computers).
What we can do now?


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