
just because 1 person is overreacting against something you wrote doesn't
mean he speaks for everyone...
Stick around for a bit longer, ignore him... I'm sure there are others like
me on this list who haven't responded to your previous posts but who don't
necessarily agree with Aley...

(By the way; I would buy another SAM - but that's because I like
non-mainstream computers).

Dave wrote:

> Thanks for your Email. My post was deliberate, it was intended to
> provoke
> debate because I wanted to find out who feels like any of the
> following:-
> "the SAM is the machine and there can only be one SAM that is the
> creation
> of MGT ( amen )"
> "the SAM is a style, an OS that we could easily develop onto some
> hardware"
> "I would buy another SAM"
> "I would never buy a SAM again I just use it because it reminds me of
> times
> past"
> "I violently disagree with everything you said as it is not based around
> the
> Z80 or the custom chip"
> "Linux, why use anything else?"
> "I will only use free stuff"
> "Thats a good idea but you got this [x] wrong, that [y] wrong "
> "Thats a bad idea because of [x] and [y]"
> ( AKA the same ole same ole as in comp.sys.amiga.misc for the last 3-5
> years
> )
> Unfortunatly I also seem to have attracted the attention of the village
> nasty and whilst he does raise some points which - lets face it - were
> obvious up front and reactive to the deliberate hooks in my post he
> didnt
> really bring anything new to the debate and also did not read the
> majority
> of my post accurately. Why all the stuff about God I dont know. He
> reminds
> me of a more rational Timothy Rue ( look on Deja News for the ultra
> amusing
> experience ) from comp.sys.amiga.misc. I wonder if babelfish doesnt
> translate as well as is needed for constructive debate ;-)
> The way that the debate fizzled out so quickly sayes that overall "the
> is nearly dead and the majority of people in the scene are hangers on
> who
> dont want to take it forward despite a minority who are productive and
> progressive" . This is against my hopes and my initial impressions.
> I wonder who in the mailing list would have complained bitterly had
> SamCo
> survived and brought out a partially backwards compatible system which
> broke
> "Tetris" or similar lame complaint.
> I will go back to programming bits and bobs for the SAM in my spare time
> for
> my own amusement, check out Sam Community and contribute away from this
> mailing list.
> Thanks to those of you who have been helpful to me, and commiserations
> to
> those that did the opposite - you will have to find your punchbag
> elsewhere.
> I learned a long time ago that mailing lists when you start to feel your
> hackles rising are something to walk away from or they can end up ruling
> your life and that is very sad.
> If people want to keep up contact, you know my email.
> All the best,
> Dave "naive but also somehow manages to be god(?!?) in the same post -
> how
> does he do it?" Pitcher.
> PS: Steve - you are too quiet on this mailing list

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