On Fri, 27 Oct 2000 07:49:45 +0100, you wrote:

>I have a number(20-30) of faulty SAM PCBs. Mostly with video faults. 
>I was going to throw them out but now I'm glad I hung onto them.
>They may be useful for spare parts.
>They are complete except for rom & mem. Plus they each have one or
>more 'interesting' faults. I was supposed to be fixing them for
>building into new SAMs but I didn't have the time or the enthusism
>seeing as I wasn't going to be getting paid for it.
>In fact they are not mine, they actually belong the B** B*******y, but
>They have just been gathering dust in my attic for a few years, so I
>guess I can give them away now.
>Only prob is they are at my house in Yorkshire and I now live in
>Norwich, so there could be several weeks delay in me getting to them.
>Still the offer is there, for any good hardware people, like what I'm

I would be interested in 1 or 2 if you are getting rid of them, just
name your price, and as long as i dont choke :) i'm in.

>Nev - who still has a passing interest in the beast.

Dean... who's passed interest is creeping back slowly.

Dean Liversidge


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