Dear Fellow SAM Users,

(Note, I still own a SAM, although negotiations are underway!)

Ages ago, when I joined the SAM users group, I added a few AOL users to my 
'buddy' list, which is a form of Instant Messaging. One such address was 

After months of inactivity, I've noticed that 'BrenchleyR' recently seems to 
be online now and again. This may be the the notorious Format supremo, or a 
new user, but someone is out there, and active....

Sorry if I've given you all nightmares. The dawning of the year 2001 may 
bring retrospectives of HAL 9000 (from the film 2001), but 'BrenchleyR' may 
be even more worrying!

(Whatever he says, I still reckon he owes me money for non-dispatch of goods, 

Phil Glover,
(semi-merry, 1am)

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