On Sun, 24 Jun 2001 17:57:34 +0100, you wrote:

>Its is a Virus , and normal course for these types is it appears with TXT
>saying , "xxxx Piccys" . It is also normally sent after a real email is sent
>, so that would indicate WomoTeam
>It contains one of the nastiest thing on net @ moo , a Bot , this will stay
>on your machine , and only known cure is to FDisk. What it does is well
>written all over net , best place to read about this stuff is http://grc.com
>Well that woke up the list

well, not quite as bad as the fdisk, but its jsut a bit messy if it
gets ahold of your winsock.
(removal info

but hey, if anyones dumb enough to run an exe with a filename of
KHJCLJKH.EXE, then i recon they deserve everything they get ;o), but
its even funnier when people run the ones that say.. heres the file
you wanted ... durrrr... what file... did i ask for a file.... i dont
think so :)

I blame microsoft for a lot of virus infestations... if they didnt
default to hide file extension, so many people wouldnt get sucked into
running things they thought were something they arnt... well, a few
people might not anyway.... well, probably none of the clever sales
people at work though !! :O)

Dean Liversidge


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