No blame intended , just a hunt for poor sod , and stop it infecting others
etc etc
This one attaches also add's itself to Win.ini run protocol , and 2 other
I had a manual clean for hi somewhere , will dig out and post

I use Zone alarm , and Pc Cillian , this and other Virus software does scan
emails if you let it


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Womoteam
Sent: 25 June 2001 08:31
Subject: Virus sent!

Hi to everybody.

After reading my mails this morning I saw, that it looks as if I had
sent a virus. And maybe yes - but this was not my intention.
I have "catched" this virus (hybrid type) long time ago, not knowing
when. But I was sure, to have sent this devil into nirwana, until this
messages has come in.
So believe me: I am not that dumb who opens attachments of unknown
adresses. While working myself in the web I was sometimes attacked from
outside, so since a long time I protect my computers with "Zonealarm"
firewall. But this does not protect from dubious mails.
I think I have to clean up my systems once again. The hybrid, called
"KHJCLJKH.EXE" writes itself to an win.exe. Since now I am not sure, if
it makes a duplicate anywhere else.
I am a subscriber in this list since a very long time. So I hope nobody
thinks, that I have sent it in bad intent. Why should I do that?
BTW - I received the mail in question back to myself via samusers-group.

Excuse and Greetz
Wolfgang from Womoteam

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