PS Whatever happened to "Format"?

Probably got a shock after posting out all the owed SAM Clocks....

Now there's an interesting question. I bet this has been discussed ad nauseum before I rejoined the list after a 3-year break a couple of months back, but anyway. Last I heard was about 2 years ago, when I phoned up Colin Macdonald and he mentioned Bob had been ill but was still planning to continue with Format once he got back on his feet - indeed, the editorial of the last issue of Format (circa Feb 99) did mention some health problems.

There's been nothing since then, of course - if you do a search for "R Brenchley/Gloucester" on it still comes up with the old Format address/number, but if you ring it no one ever answers . . . weird. I'd be the first to agree that Bob could be a complete arse at times, but I still think it's a shame, and very strange, that he should just vanish like that.

Colin, Nev - any idea what's going on with the man?


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