On Wed, 15 Aug 2001 00:05:37 +0100, "David Ledbury"

> Any idea who Ken Elston is?
> Just wondering as he seemed to share an  email address with "Samsboss"?

IIRC Mr R P Brenchley's father.

Bob used the name as a pseudonym in format, he even published some of
my stuff under that name, and later as an alias on here.

Bob and I fell out a few times over his use of multiple personas which
I did, and still do, feel is wrong. I tried to treat it as a game but
with hindsight I see that many here did not think it was a good game.

Now that so much time has passed I don't have any qualms about saying
what I believe to be the truth, but as I said elsewhere, even I don't
know the whole story.

When I first started on-line Bob let me use the samsboss account on
pipeline as the news feed from my own isp was crap, hence many people
thought I was samsboss.

I believe that he was also Bill Ritman but I never got him to admit
that to me. Again IIRC Ritman is his uncle or some such aquaintance.
I never said any of that. You've not seen me, you never heard it from
me. OK :-)


Nev - no longer at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and getting no spam at all (yet)
Webpage under construction at www,nfy53,demon,co,uk

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