I tried it but can't manage to get it work in WinCoupe (I need to test i
there). Whenever I start playback, the message "press symbol to exit"
shortly appears and then it immediately closes (going back to main menu),
like I presses symbol shift. But I don't press anything.

Other MIDI program "MIDI Sequencer" works in WinCoupe, but there are some
other problems with it. I'd like to know whether the emulation isn't
correct, or the original program is ehmm... not-very-good. It takes over 10
seconds to redraw whole screen in edit mode, and whenever I start playback a
very loud "home-less" tone is generated before starting the actual playback.

Also, I think it wouldn't be very clever to use MIDI simulator in DOS,
because it would degrade digital-audio playback quality. Of course, this
doesn't affect using real MIDI devices like MPU401.

Adding MIDI interrupts for demos gives more sense. I'd like to see it.
Please could you tell me where can I get those demos?

PAL speed is 1/64MHz. MIDI speed is 1/32MHz. It means that 2 bits are
transmitted per line.
Am I right?
How many bits are transmitted to complete one byte? If you say interrupt is
generated 5 lines after issuing MIDI out, it means that one or two
(start/)stop bits are added to each byte. I assume MIDI out interrupts are
generated on line basis, exactly as the line and frame interrupts. Am I


----- Original Message -----
From: Dave Laundon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2001 11:09 AM
Subject: RE: ASCD 0.90 W.I.P. (and anyone interested in MIDI)

> Aley Keprt wrote:
> > btw. I will add MIDI to DOS version, if somebody is interested. But is
> > worthy?
> > What software does use it? I need to find one to test my emulation ;-)))
> I was always planning to do something more with it, but I suppose I'll
> get around to it now  :-/
> In a couple of other things I've done I've also used outputs to MIDI
> for the interrupt that comes approx. 5 lines later.  I used the effect in
> Quazar sample player that created its own interrupts during top/bottom
> border display so that it could release some CPU time to the foreground
> program.
> Dave Laundon.

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